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Recruiters spend countless hours and thousands of dollars in resources bringing in job candidates, but what happens once you’ve hired the best people? It’s all for naught if they leave shortly after joining. Smart companies make employee retention a high priority, so they keep turnover low and develop employees in their positions.
Four tips for attracting and retaining top talent in supply chain: 1) Responsibility - one of the most important keys to better employee performance and motivation... - Natalee Collamer Share on XRecently, One Network Enterprises was named a “Great Place to Work” and we have found some areas we believe are reasons we have hired and retained the best in the business.
Being a 100% employee-owned business, One Network has found that responsibility is one of the best drivers for organizational success. Employees that feel a direct tie to company performance have been found to do better work and are more motivated.
Having a clear vision for career growth allows employees to see a lasting impact in their organization. Defined career progressions along with concrete metrics enable employees to see their future and keep driving towards success and working towards organizational goals. One Network has implemented yearly reviews so that KPI’s are clearly defined for each employee.
Flexibility in the workplace has been a focus at One Network as well. We understand that everyone has different work styles, so we do our best to cater to each individual. Offering the opportunity to work from home, flexible work hours, and floating holidays are some of the ways we like to give back to our employees.
Give your employees lots of flexibility in how they work, and they will return it to you many times over. - Natalee Collamer Share on XWork-life balance is top of mind for any employee. We have found that allowing employees ample time with family and friends usually drives further success while at work. For this reason, we offer generous sick and vacation time so that employees have opportunities to unplug.
Great employees want their managers and coworkers to trust them in their position. Micromanagers often create a culture of distrust, which directly ties to how employees perform. At ONE, we believe and trust in our employees to uphold our values while doing the best work possible. Managers work to give each employee the guidance to do their job effectively without encroaching on their time, initiative and workflow.
At ONE, we have also found that implementing reward programs keeps motivation strong in employees. Bonus programs, monetary gifts, and even free trips are some of the fun ways we reward top performers in our organization.
Honesty and Fairness
One of the main values we hold near and dear at One Network is the idea of diversity. Diversity of backgrounds, cultures, and ideas has allowed us to grow as an organization to be one of the top in our industry. We have hired across all age groups, genders, and ethnic backgrounds. In our Great Place to Work survey, 98% of our employees believe that everyone is treated fairly in the workplace.
While the workplace perks might change over time, we believe that the values the organization holds and practices are truly what attracts the best employees, and makes them stick around. You can learn more about One Network’s Great Place to Work certification here.
Explore Careers with One Network
- Tips for Attracting and Retaining Top Talent - March 22, 2019