
Best Stories From Around the Web

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Mobility Coming Soon to a marketplace near you…”The marketplace is buzzing about mobility. Smartphone and tablet wars are taking top billings across news wires and mobile application rankings are popping up everywhere. The fact is that we’re getting ready to step into a new age of mobile technology in which processors can stack for high performance or high efficiency operating mode, displays offer high resolution, and applications services can be ready when we need them. Some manufacturers believe that this is all part of the standard evolution of technology; while others are just getting ready to launch their mobility initiative.”


Big data in the age of the telegraph…Daniel Mccallum’s 1854 organizational design for the New York and Erie Railroad resembles a tree rather than a pyramid. It empowered frontline managers by clarifying data flows. The problem was not a lack of information: the growing use of the telegraph gave the company an unprecedented supply of nearly real-time data, including reports of accidents and train delays. Rather, the difficulty was putting that data to use, and it led McCallum to develop one of the era’s great low-tech management innovations: the organization chart.


 Retailers and Suppliers are split 50/50 on growth forecasts…Importers and manufacturers who sell to America’s major retailers are split as to whether they believe they will see growth and/or reductions in sales for the spring season, according to Capital Business Credit (CBC), a non-bank lender that services the retail sector. According to a quarterly “Global Retail Manufacturers and Importers Survey”, 50 percent of importers of retail goods are experiencing an increase in orders this spring as compared to last year, while 50 percent are experiencing a decrease or no change from the previous year. Of those surveyed who are having a stronger spring, the majority are experiencing growth between 3 percent and 10 percent. 


A story around the B2B Portal Journey….operating in such a competitive marketplace — and among a slowly recovering economy — the last thing you want to do is disappoint a customer. The more visibility you have into product design, availability and supply chain movement the better chance you have at satisfying the customer and increasing your turns. In fact, the top strategic action among 50% of retailers is to use collaboration to gain better visibility in today’s hyper-competitive and dynamic marketplace.


Aaron Pittman