Most Popular Supply Chain Blog Posts of 2018

Most Popular Supply Chain Posts of 2018

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Over the last few weeks we’ve been sifting through the analytics to identify the most read posts in 2018. There are a lot of great posts, but the top spot is a big surprise. Let’s begin the countdown.

10. The Benefits of Breaking Down Silo Walls

Adapting to a changing world is a business necessity. Leaders must challenge the status quo in order to stay competitive and relevant.

9. The Enterprise Journey to Blockchain (Part 4)

Geoff Annesley continues his popular series on blockchain, with a look at Smart Contracts, Control Towers and the type of networks companies will need to consider in order to make effective use of blockchain.

8. Guardian of the Supply Chain Part 1: Blockchain-Enabled Control Towers

For the patient, the pharmaceutical supply chain can mean the difference between life or death. It is very complex, and in the developing world, it often has to operate in a hostile environment of poor infrastructure, black markets, and a flood of counterfeits. We can learn a lot from how a leading logistics provider, Imperial Logistics, tackles these problems.

7. How Networks and Control Towers Enable Risk Management During Disasters

There are cracks everywhere, waiting to open up and disrupt supply lines and our businesses. They range from the metaphorical – your overstretched supplier or carrier – to the literal – cracks and fault lines spanning the earth and infrastructure. One such crack, the New Madrid Fault Zone, serves as a good reminder of the kind of challenges our businesses face.

6. The Best Part About “Disruption” is a Successful Digital Transformation

Disruptive technologies, such as new sensors, artificial intelligence, machine learning and cognitive computing, are creating the foundation for next-generation analytics driven by a conversion between the physical and digital worlds. This seismic shift in process and culture is transforming traditional business process across industries. More importantly, it is turning linear supply chains into connected, intelligent, scalable, customizable, and nimble digital supply networks.

5. 6 Ways AI is Impacting the Supply Chain

Artificial Intelligence is already enhancing our lives as consumers, now it is picking up momentum in supply chain management and logistics. In the last decade, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come roaring out of high-tech labs to become something that people use every day without even realizing it. In addition to powering numerous apps and other digital products, AI stands to benefit all industries, including supply chain and logistics.

Related: 8 Keys to Success with Artificial Intelligence in Supply Chains

4. Fixing the 5 Big Problems in the Food Supply Chain

The food supply chain continues to grow rapidly, with consumers now expecting exotic foods, fresh on their plates, year round. This has extended the supply chain geographically and across many more parties, making the supply chain longer and more complicated than ever. Here’s how companies can deal with these challenges.

3. 10 Reasons to Consider a Transportation Management System (TMS)

Instant gratification is embedded in the psyche of today’s consumer. Whatever it is that the consumer wants, he wants it to be in stock, and he wants it now. For most multi-channel businesses, overhead shipping cost now exceeds even essential costs such as direct and indirect payroll or utilities. A TMS system can have a major impact on lowering costs while driving performance and service improvements for the end customer. Here’s how…

2. Infographic: Amazon and Uber in Logistics

Two huge companies, Amazon and Uber, from very different sectors, have recently entered the $8 trillion logistics market. With this much muscle entering the market, we can expect disruption on a wide scale.  Here is an overview of what’s at stake, their approaches, and the possible outcomes.

1. 5 MRO Supply Chain Challenges Aviation Companies Need To Prepare For

Disruptions in an aviation company’s supply chain can equate to millions of dollars in losses, so the stakes have never been higher for Aerospace and Defense companies to navigate the changes, ensure business continuity and position themselves in the broadening market of rich opportunities. Here are five ways aviation companies can do just that.

Related: 8 Keys to Success with Artificial Intelligence in Supply Chains
