How Retail Grocers Can Compete with Amazon

Why Grocery Retailers Need to Embrace Digitization Now

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In, Bernard Goor discusses the disruption about to hit grocery retailers, and how they can hold their market share against huge, sophisticated competitors like Amazon.

The grocery industry is entering a new stage in its evolution – a transformative stage that may cause some of the major players to lose competitive ground or, worse, impact their very existence.

There is no secret here. Everyone can see what is about to happen to grocery retailers, because it already happened to other retail segments.

The apparel and footwear, electronics, appliances, and recreational goods segments have already experienced major disruptions due to two key factors: (1) the emergence of e-commerce, boosted by the success of Amazon, and (2) the expectations of hyper-connected consumers who want nothing less than seamless, personalized, and consistent experiences across their omni-channel touchpoints.

As a result, major retail brands have shut down most or all of their brick-and-mortar operations, and some have even disappeared completely. While these factors have hit grocery retail at a slower pace, their impact is accelerating – as demonstrated by Amazon’s acquisition of Whole Foods.

Grocery retailers need to completely rethink their business model…

Read the full article at Grocery Retailers Need to Embrace Digitization Now

Nigel Duckworth